Heart of Stone Read online

Page 13

  His mouth pressed into a hard line and he looked as if he were trying to decide on his choice of words. He leaned forward in his chair and his sapphire blues narrowed. They held a fiendish glimmer, sharp with an animal-like hunger that made me suddenly afraid.

  Goosebumps traveled up my spine as I waited for him to speak again. When he finally spoke, his tone was direct. No-nonsense. Upfront.

  “I’m not a freak. I’m a Dominant.”


  “You’re a what?” I almost laughed out loud.

  “A Dominant,” he repeated, eyes piercing through me like knives, completely extinguishing any joke I may have wanted to make. “I like to be in control of every aspect of my life. That includes the woman I choose to take to bed. I demand complete and utter power over them. That’s what I want from you, Krystina.”

  My eyebrows shot up to the ceiling. I should have been seriously disturbed by his words. Given my sordid past with the controlling Trevor, everything he was saying should have had me hightailing it out of here – and fast. Yet oddly, my skin tingled with delight at the mere thought of this man wielding total control over my body.

  But the angel was jumping up and down in front the cheering devil and screaming, “DANGER, DANGER! Run you stupid girl!”

  “Sorry, no can do. I already gave up two years of my life for a control freak. I won’t do it again,” I told him, but my words sounded weak in a pathetic attempt to protect myself. He looked at me curiously, but didn’t question what I was referring to.

  “I’m not looking to control your whole life, just the sex part of it,” he said nonchalantly with a shrug as he settled back into his chair. The lewd way he spoke threw me off balance once again, fanning the flames that had ignited in my gut.

  “Really? Then what do you call the hijacking of my cell phone?” I said, trying to maintain some sense of balance by reminding him of our argument from earlier that afternoon.

  “The cell phone was a gift,” he said impatiently. “Maybe I over stepped by bounds, but that was not my intention.”

  “No matter which way you spin it, it was a very controlling and assuming thing to do.”

  “Look, Krystina. I want you to remain who you are. I don’t want some mindless puppet. I think that might be the reason why I’m so drawn to you,” he paused, looking thoughtful for a moment. “If you agree to this, I will own you in the bedroom alone.”

  Alarms rang shrilly in my head, warning me off of this unpredictable man. But my body was still betraying me, and I had to fight the overwhelming need to hurdle across the table and start tearing at his cloths.

  I wanted him to control me. To own me.

  Perhaps it was the two glasses of wine that was doing the thinking for me, but somewhere along the line, I had unconsciously made a decision. Despite my many reservations, I no longer wanted to take this slow. I wanted to have sex with Alexander Stone. Here. Now.

  Absolute panic set in, as the realization scared the hell out of me. I wasn’t ready for that. For this.

  “I think it’s time that I go,” I announced and stood up abruptly.

  “So soon? Why?” I had obviously shocked him by my sudden need to leave.

  “Because…” I hesitated.

  Because you confuse me. I can’t think when I’m around you.

  But I couldn’t say the words out loud. Instead, I grabbed my purse, slung it over my shoulder and said, “Thank you for dinner, Alex.”

  Alexander stood and came over to my side of the table.

  “Krystina…I…” he started. His voice was strained and I looked up, almost unwillingly, into his painstakingly beautiful blues. I waited for to him to finish what he was going to say, but he just stared at me, expression bleak with uncertainty.

  What is he so unsure about?

  It was baffling.

  “What is it, Alex?” I asked, my tone coming out clipped with impatience.

  “Have dinner with me again tomorrow,” he said suddenly taking hold of my hands and entwining his fingers through mine. I could see the pulse pumping at his neck, the firm set of determination in his jaw. There would be no denying this man, but I had to at least try.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Alex. I need to go home and…I just need to think.”

  He took a step closer, the predatory look in his eyes returning. His nearness sent my heart racing, causing blood to thrum loudly in my ears. I could feel the heat coming off his body, his delicious scent taking over my senses, wafting tantalizingly in my nose and making my head spin. He was so close. I could feel his warm breath mingling with my own, lips only mere inches away from mine.

  “Alright. If that’s what you really want,” he said huskily. “But when you get home, I want you to think about what it’s going to take for me to get inside of you.”

  “Vulgarity is not going to help –.”

  He left me no time to react, my words cut off as his mouth covered mine.

  Holy hell. Alexander Stone is kissing me.

  His mouth was tender, with just the right amount of pressure. It was soft. Delicious. And everything I had imagined it would be.

  Without warning, the kiss deepened, his mouth demanding more. He kissed me with a passion that I had never felt before. Nobody had ever kissed me this way. Heat exploded through my veins and my mouth surrendered beneath his as I returned his kiss with a passion of my own – a passion that had been long dormant, yet filled with an intensity that I hadn’t known was in me. I moaned into his mouth and he pushed his tongue past my parted lips, tasting me with gentle flicks.

  He pulled my hips sharply against him, forcing my back and neck into a slight arch so that he could have better access to my mouth. I found myself reaching up to run my fingers through his soft waves, pulling him closer to me and deepening the kiss, encouraging him to take more. He groaned against my lips, the vibration causing my nipples to stiffen in response. He ravished me, like he was a starving man who couldn’t get enough.

  His fingers tightened on my hips, then moved around to my backside, effectively crushing me against his hard torso. Forgotten were my reservations, my doubts, my hesitations. All that existed was Alexander’s kiss, all consuming, chasing away the pains of my past. A heaviness began to build in my chest, and welled in my throat. I felt as if an enormous weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I almost sobbed from the relief. It felt so good to just feel again.

  Much to my regret, Alexander broke the kiss and pulled slightly away. I was left breathless. His kiss was beyond intense. It was electrifying. It charged me to the very depths of my core.

  “God help me, Krystina. I want you. I shouldn’t, but I do,” he murmured, his voice hoarse and ragged, sapphire blues a blazing inferno of desire. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, inhaling his scent that was already becoming so familiar.

  A noise from the kitchen startled me and caused me to take a step back, forcing away Alexander’s fiery gaze and lifting the fog that seemed to settle over my brain.

  I was disappointed when Matteo stepped into the room, yet almost grateful for the distraction. I desperately needed a moment to absorb what just happened, and being pressed up against a heated Alexander Stone certainly wouldn’t help.

  “Leaving so soon?” Matteo asked, glancing at my purse that was still slung over my shoulder. “What about dessert?”

  “No, unless Krystina wants something, I think we’re all set. Krystina?” Alexander asked, looking to me. My legs were trembling so bad that I thought I might collapse.

  Speak, Cole! Speak!

  “I’m good. Thank you for everything. It was wonderful,” I said with a shaky smile.

  “Good, I’m glad you enjoyed it!” Matteo appreciated, oblivious to the static current that crackled in the air.

  Alexander gave Matteo a light slap on the back. “Thanks, man. I knew you wouldn’t disappoint. Everything was amazing! I can’t wait until you get the place opened.”

  “No thanks needed. This restaurant wo
uld still be a dream if it were not for you. I owe you my friend,” Matteo said sincerely. Watching the easy interaction between the two men made me realize that they were exactly that – friends. Their natural camaraderie showed that they were more than just business associates.

  “Don’t sweat it, Matt. Now go home. I’ll take care of locking up the place,” Alexander offered.

  “I’m just going to take care of the dishes, and then I’ll go. Krystina,” Matteo said, turning to me and taking my hand like he had earlier in the night. “It was a pleasure meeting you, my dear.”

  He placed a soft kiss on the backside of my hand. His lips lingered just a little too long. I was still so keyed up from Alexander’s kiss that my cheeks instantly went pink at the intimacy of the gesture. Matteo looked up at Alexander and flashed him a look that even Satan himself would be jealous of.

  “Get lost, Matt!” Alexander said with a scowl. Matteo laughed and released my hand.

  “You make it too easy!” Matteo chuckled. He made quick work of collecting our dinner dishes and exited the room. I could hear him laughing all the way to the kitchen.

  “You still want to leave,” Alexander said once Matteo was out of earshot. It was a statement, but his eyes were questioning.

  I didn’t want to leave, but in the end I knew it would be safer than staying here and facing the blatant sexuality that was between us. Much safer.

  “Yes. I really should go,” I said, summoning up the will from the depths of who knows where.

  Alexander acknowledged me with a nod and pulled his cell phone from his pocket.

  “Hale, we’ll be out in two,” he said in a clipped voice to someone over the phone before pocketing it again.

  “Who’s Hale?” I asked curiously.

  “My driver. The one who brought you here tonight. Come on, I’ll walk you out,” he said, taking hold of my hand.

  We made our way through the empty restaurant towards the front doors. When we stepped outside into the cool night air, I wrapped my arms around myself to ward off the evening chill. Alexander’s car was waiting at the curb to take me home.

  “Hale will be by your place to pick you up tomorrow, same time,” Alexander said as he opened the door of the SUV.

  “Alex…” I trailed off as he placed a finger over my lips to silence me. I shook my head in a forced attempt to deny him.

  “Tomorrow,” he repeated seriously. “My place. No frills this time. No fancy dinner. Just drinks and conversation. A lot was left unsaid tonight. We’ll talk some more and see where it takes us.”

  “This is a bad idea, Alex. You don’t know anything about me. I’ll be too much trouble for someone like you,” I said quietly, trying to dissuade him once more.

  “Baby, I already know that you’ll be nothing but trouble for me,” he said with a chuckle, leaning down to place a light kiss on my forehead. “But the taste of your lips has persuaded me to go for it anyways. Have a goodnight, Miss Cole.”

  “Good night, Mr. Stone,” was the only thing I could muster before climbing into the SUV.

  I looked up at him once I was seated. That devilish gleam was back in his eyes.

  “Wear a skirt again tomorrow. When I look at those long legs of yours, I like to imagine them wrapped around me,” he said with a wink before closing the door of the vehicle.


  I watched the car pull away, frustrated that things ended so suddenly. Just when I thought I was starting to close the gap between us, she made for the door.

  I scared her. She thinks I’m a freak in the sheets.

  A smile tugged at the edges of my mouth after recalling her terminology.

  Oh, baby. You have no idea.

  Krystina didn’t know how close to the mark she had hit. My usual direct tactics weren’t going to work. I would have to tread more carefully. One wrong move, and I’d blow it. I needed to change the game if I wanted to find my way into Krystina.

  “Well, well…Stone dining with a woman. I thought I’d never see the day,” I heard Matteo say from behind me. I turned around to find him leaning against the doorjamb of the restaurant entrance, scratching his head in disbelief.

  “Christ, not you too. I’ve already been getting sideways looks from Hale. It’s not what you think, Matt,” I weakly denied.

  “I gotta admit, when you called to ask me to set this night up, I was a little surprised. I just didn’t say anything because I wanted to see this girl for myself first,” he harassed with a knowing smirk.

  I glared at him.

  “Weren’t you supposed to be going home?” I snarled. However, Matteo knew that my words carried no real heat.

  “I was just on my way out. But I’ll stay and have a drink with you if you want?”

  “Make it a stiff one,” I said, and followed him back inside.

  I pulled one of the stools down from the bar and took a seat. Matteo ducked down behind the counter, and I could hear the clinking of glass. When he stood, I saw that he had managed to produce a couple of old fashioned lowball glasses and a bottle of Knob Creek, despite his limited stock.

  “The liquor license just came through and I have yet to order the really good stuff. It’s not the expensive reserve that you normally drink, but it’ll still do the job,” he joked. After he poured us each three fingers, I took the glass and downed it in one shot without even flinching. Matteo’s eyebrows went up. “Wow. Last I checked, bourbon was supposed to be sipped. This woman must have really gotten to you.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, refusing to comment. He took the glass and refilled it, but I pushed it away.

  “I don’t want anymore.”

  I was annoyed. Aggravated. Frustrated for so many reasons, but I couldn’t pinpoint what was bothering me the most. The last thing I needed was another drink.

  “Alright. Then what do you want? Besides the bella donna,” he added, reminding me of just how beautiful Krystina truly was.

  I eyed him ruefully, trying to determine how much I wanted him to know. Matteo and I had a business arrangement, but first and foremost, he was a longtime friend. He was a keen observer, and he was smart. I knew that I could count on him to cut out the bullshit and give it to me straight.

  “She bugs me, Matt,” I admitted bluntly. He started choking on the swallow of drink he had just taken.

  “Come again?” he asked incredulously.

  “I want her, but she fights me every step of the way. Normally I’d just say forget it and move on. But I can’t with her. The more she pushes, the more I want her.”

  “I can see why you do. She’s young and smokin’ hot. What’s your dilemma?”

  “She’s…” I struggled with putting my thoughts into words, which was another rare oddity for me. “She’s work. She’s stubborn and snappy. Strong, yet she seems fragile. I don’t know…”

  “So that’s it. For once, you can’t weasel your way into someone’s head,” Matteo said with an easy laugh.

  “No, it’s more than that. I just haven’t figured it out yet. I get the impression that she’s got a story. A past. I just don’t know what it is.”

  “Well, let me give you some advice then. She’s not for you, man. She doesn’t strike me as the type to be into your thing. She seems too innocent. Candida. You’d better be careful with that,” he warned.

  Matteo had hit the nail square on the head. Krystina was captivating, so much so that I found myself paralyzed with lust, fantasizing about her almost to the point of obsession. However, the look of total disbelief that came over her face when I told her that I was a Dominant, said that she wasn’t worldly to my more unconventional ways.

  “I’m not a fucking moron, Matt. But I don’t think she’s that innocent,” I told him, trying to convince myself of that as much as him. “She just needs training, that’s all.”

  “Why would you want the hassle when you can just hit one of your clubs? There are plenty of willing Subs there.”

  I frowned at that, as I had been asking myself the sa
me question for days. If I had a bug to get out of my system, going to Club O was the simple solution. The exclusive BDSM nightclub would have a plethora of submissive women that were ready to play. And it was safe. The women there appreciated the need for discretion.

  “That’s just it. I don’t want just another Sub.”

  “Si, si. But you must remember, Krystina may not be willing. Have you thought of that, my friend? Have you told her what you are?”

  “I did. She wasn’t the most receptive, but I could sway her easily enough,” I said with a shrug.

  “You are like an ape. Such arrogance you have,” Matteo chuckled, shaking his head back and forth.

  “An ape? This coming from a hairy Italian?”

  “Ah, now you only wish you had this chest! I am a natural Dominant! All the ladies bow to me!” Matteo began beating his chest like a gorilla ready to exert his power.

  “Yeah, right! You – a Dominant! You don’t have to balls for it. Not enough confidence,” I goaded. However, another thought came to mind, interrupting our wisecracks and causing me to sober.

  “What?” Matteo asked after seeing my change of face.

  “If this were all about confidence, it would be easy. But the situation is more complicated than that.”

  “How so?”

  “Krystina questions everything. And I mean everything. That alone will make her a terrible Sub. She won’t be easy to train, that’s for sure,” I paused and eyed up the second bourbon that Matteo had poured for me. Changing my mind, I reached for it and sipped it slowly for a minute before continuing. “The subject of my parents came up tonight. It was by pure happenstance, but I practically bit her head off to stop her questions. I’m sure that I only succeeded in creating more.”

  “If you are going to see this woman regularly, your background is going to come up. You won’t be able to keep it buried.”